Online Primary School
Private Tutoring
teaching experience!
since 2017!
as excellent!

Since 2017 I have been providing primary school tutoring to children across the UK, and as far reaching as Texas and China. These children have all made excellent progress in their subject areas and there has been a huge boost in their confidence, knowledge and enjoyment of learning.

I am now offering support, resources and advice to parents who are homeschooling their children. Whether this is a permanent education choice or a temporary decision, I provide a weekly meeting to develop ideas, answer questions and support parents.

Calling all fellow primary tutors! Becoming a tutor can be a lonely and daunting career step. It was very helpful to have others to talk to when I first started out. Introducing Staffroom - a weekly online catch up that provides a place to share ideas, discuss issues and build up a network of tutors.

Please get in touch by phone, email or WhatsApp if you have any other primary education or homeschooling requirements that I may be able to help with.
I am always looking for a new challenge!
My name is Tash and I am a primary school tutor with 14 years of primary school teaching experience. I qualified as a Primary School Teacher in 2012. I went on to be a Class Teacher, Head of Year and Science Coordinator. I have a lot of experience of working with children who have a range of needs, abilities, and learning styles. This means that I have a whole host of 'tutor tricks and tips' up my sleeve to support and challenge all children. I use a wide range of techniques to keep sessions interesting and engaging. I have Qualified Teacher Status and have a current DBS check.
Tutoring Plans

My Services