Calling all fellow Online Primary Tutors!
Becoming a private tutor can be a lonely and daunting career step. It was incredibly helpful to have others to talk to when I first started out.
Introducing Staffroom - a weekly online catch up that provides a place to share ideas, discuss issues and build up a network of tutors.
Call or WhatsApp Tash on 029 2000 3070 to find out more information.
Why Tutor?
In 2012, I qualified as a Primary School Teacher and started working a large state school in Bristol. I taught there for 5 years, but as the years when by, I began to become exasperated with the workload and stress for teachers in schools. I loved working with children and teaching them, but in school it had become more about results and data than the individual children, their needs and their progress and development.
This is when I decided to leave teaching and set up my own tutoring business. Although daunting, and a little unknown, I wanted to use my skills and experience, and to continue working with children and doing what I enjoyed - seeing children learn, progress, build confidence and to make a difference to a child's education. Since my decision in July 2017, I have not looked back. I have been fully booked since October 2017 and have a waiting list of more students. I love working with children 1:1 and see huge progress in the time we spend together each week. Unless a child in school has a specific need, it is unheard of that a teacher could spend a significant amount of 1:1 time with a child in their class - focusing specifically on their needs and concerns. The time I can give each child every week can build huge confidence and see amazing progress in a short space of time.